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In the News : Oracle Modern Business Experience – Sydney #OracleMBX

It’s been a while since Oracle held a business event in Sydney but the recent Oracle Modern Business Experience (MBX) event was well received by 1000 or so who attended.  The focus was more on achieving business outcomes rather than the hard product sell.  Sessions were organised into interest streams; Finance, Human Resources, Procurement and supply chain and thought leadership.

Keynote speeches provided insight into the current issues at hand for business leaders.  Boost Juice founder Janice Allis provided some key insights into her personal journey to running a successful international business.  One interesting observation she shared was when the company was facing a downturn, it was easy to focus on the external factors.  However, the turnaround came from within; customer service and quality had dropped off and only changing things internally enabled the company to get back on track.  Boost is not the only company to be looking internally for better results. Gartner Research has indicated that if you don’t operate efficiently internally then you can’t hope to work with external parties well. That plus cost cutting has been driving internal corporate change programs for years. Now the pace is quickening.

Transformation and agility were key themes throughout the day. As the pace of change in analytics and technology is increasing, more and more companies pursue transformation programs to improve corporate performance. It’s becoming increasing essential that a modern corporation must be able to keep up with the pace of change in all areas, and in particularly in terms of its technology from the scalability of its infrastructure, platforms and solutions, deployment of its workforce and skills of its employees.

The shift to the cloud has begun, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Systems must be able to expand and contract seamlessly with demand and companies only want to pay for what is used. Partnerships are becoming increasingly more important as agile organisations need multi skilled resources.  Partnerships offer a relationship, implying organisational knowledge and providing expertise.

In the breakout area Oracle and its key Oracle Partners, including Fusion Professionals, showcased capabilities, solutions and apps.  Oracle’s Synopsis app is well worth checking out.  The latest offering from the Mobile Analytics Team lets you upload and display their data in a visual way automatically creating charts.  A must for any excel junkie.  Downloadable from the apps store.

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