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Case Study : Migration to Exadata and Exalogic Private Cloud – Logistics company

The Client is an Australian freight logistics company, operating in railway freight and shipping.  The company embarked on a major project to migrate their core Transport Management System to a managed platform service. This Cloud service comprised of Oracle Exadata and Exalogic technologies.


Fusion Professionals were engaged to provide their Oracle Exadata and Exalogic expertise, to ensure the migration of the customers Transport Migration System (TMS) completed in a timely and efficient manner with the least impact to the business.  Tasked with advising with the architectural design, migrations and testing of all the TMS components, specifically:

  1. TMS Database

  2. TMS Application Servers

  3. TMS Datawarehouse

Fusion professionals were able to bring invaluable experience, delivering best practices to the lifecycle of the project.

In 2014 the client had purchased the Private Cloud services of a dedicated Exadata and Exalogic X-2 quarter rack engineered system with the aim of migrating their Transport Management System.  However as time passed there was a need for an impartial third party to corroborate the platform before any major migration work was undertaken.

Platform Health Checks

Fusion Professionals initial involvement consisted of a detailed health check of the platform which highlighted some concerns with the hardware and software.  By advising remediation steps to the service provider and reviewing the final outcome, through Fusion Professionals, the customer regained the confidence levels needed for migrating their priority systems.

Capacity Forecasting

Our Capacity forecasting capabilities were also required as part of the procurement of the quarter rack Exadata service.  Fusion Professionals were able to indicate how many environments were able to be consolidated within the finite resources whilst indicating the lifetime of the platform in terms of resource usage and data growth.

Best for Exadata

Fusion Professionals has rich experience in the database technologies and services required for Oracle Exadata and have successfully delivered numerous Exadata projects. By leveraging the collaboration between Oracle and Fusion Professionals you’ll get a robust and rapid solution delivery to maximise the return on your Exadata investment. Reduce implementation risk by leveraging our proven transition methodology, experience and management services.

Solution Architecture

Fusion Professionals success has historically stemmed from its Architecture services and our wealth of experience in this area aided the success of the TMS migration by ensuring a pragmatic approach to the Solution Architecture Design.


The project prospered from Fusion Professionals specialism in Exadata Migrations, outlining best practices, known pitfalls when moving to a clustered database and alternative solutions to common network and staging issues.  At every stage creating detailed documentation for provisioning, migration procedure and test cases.

Performance Testing

Quantifying the benefits of a migration in terms of performance testing can become a complex job.  Something that Fusion Professionals have developed a method for executing platform benchmark tests as well as specific customer queries and transactions.  The tests resulted in favorable evidence for the migration, providing further justification for the efforts and investment.

Technical and Business Benefits

The general consensus from the Post Implementation Review was that Fusion Professionals successful interaction and contribution to the TMS migration project not only improved the quality of the end solution but indeed made it possible within the timeframe.  Enabling new features the IT department had never thought possible and ultimately resulting in the business being able to proceed with its long term goals and strategies.


  1. Health checks of Oracle Engineered Systems: Exadata and Exalogic

  2. Accurately predicted capacity forecasts

  3. Created Architecture solution for TMS Database, Datawarehouse and Middle Tier systems

  4. Defined a successful Migration Procedure with necessary supporting documentation which included Test Cases and results.

  5. Successfully Executed Performance & High Availability Testing for RAC Exadata Clusters.

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